Hideo Iwasaki is a director of a bioaesthetics (biological/biomedia art) platform, metaPhorest, and a professor of biology at Waseda University in Tokyo. He is working in the fields of both biological science and contemporary visual art, and interested in the relationship among scientific, philosophical, cultural, historical and aesthetic views of “life”. As an artist, he has created contemporary abstract papercut and biological/biomedia artworks. As a microbiologist, he has studied on rhythmic and morphological pattern formations in cyanobacteria, some of which are tightly related with his aesthetic projects. In 2007 he founded metaPhorest, an interdisciplinary art/ science platform, where both artists and biologists share space for science and art simultaneously. His artworks have been invited to Ars Electronica Center, Havana Biennial, Holland Paper Biennial, Light Art Biennial, Polish Contemporary Art Museum, Artist-in-Residence in Linz (AirCube), NTT InterCommunication Center, etc. He is a co-founder of the Japanese synthetic biology society (Japanese Society for Synthetic Cell Research), serves as a Chair of Socio-Cultural Unit (2006–) and President (2015–2016), and also served a selected member of Synthetic Aesthetics (NSF-BSPRC) in 2010.